How to Keep Chickens Cool in Summer – 8 Tips
Your chickens will need extra care and attention if elevated temperatures and heavy humidity is the forecast. Even backyard chickens need help to remain cool on hot summer days. Because …
Your chickens will need extra care and attention if elevated temperatures and heavy humidity is the forecast. Even backyard chickens need help to remain cool on hot summer days. Because …
Raising chicks can be a complex task. It can be quite expensive to raise chicks on a strict chick-feed diet, so you may want to supplement their feed with other …
Baby chicks can eat crickets. Like adult chickens, chicks are omnivores, so they feed on plant and animal matter. The range of animal matter they feed on includes reptiles, worms, …
When you think about chickens, what comes to mind is the normal type of chicken with a red crest on its head. Surprisingly, there are many chicken breeds, some with …
As a chicken owner, you may mistakenly believe that chickens can eat just about anything, including acorns. Unfortunately, sometimes acorns can be toxic for chickens to eat. Chickens can eat …
Chickens and turkeys are very different in many aspects. From their appearance and hierarchal positions to their life cycle, differences do exist between chickens and turkeys. Similarly, the diet requirements …
Being obligate carnivores, cats need a lot of animal protein in their diets. Chickens, on the other hand, are omnivores. So, they can thrive on the right mix of plant …
From pine nuts to pecans, hickory, hazelnuts, and cashews, chickens consume various nuts without experiencing any health issues. But what about walnuts? Can chickens eat walnuts? Chickens can safely eat …
When sweet potato season comes around, people are excited to grab some of these big orange treats and bring them home for baking, cooking with a roast, or stir-frying on …
Chickens are personable and easy birds to raise. Giving food and treats to chickens is fun to do especially when you feed them with your hands. Excellent treats for chickens …