Recognizing an Egg-Bound Chicken: How You Can Help
“Egg bound’ is a rare but dangerous condition where a hen has difficulty laying eggs and they become trapped. There are many things you can do to prevent and treat egg bound hens.
“Egg bound’ is a rare but dangerous condition where a hen has difficulty laying eggs and they become trapped. There are many things you can do to prevent and treat egg bound hens.
Happy, healthy chickens produce the most and the best eggs. Like people, sleep is an important part of chickens’ physical and emotional health. There are several things you can do to help your chickens have healthy sleep patterns.
Chickens laying eggs with soft shells (or no shells at all) isn’t uncommon, but it can be a sign of poor health. There are many things you can do to keep your chickens healthy and laying hard shell eggs.
Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat disease in chickens. However, with proper hygiene, plenty of space, and some natural remedies, you can raise your chickens without antibiotics.
Raising chicks from eggs yourself is challenging but rewarding. Follow some essential steps to prepare for your chicks, and care for them after hatching, whether you use a brooder hen or hand raise them.
Baby chicks raised by hand without a hen need some nighttime lighting to feel comfortable and stay safe. These chicks also need warmth, but the right choice of heat lamp can meet both warmth and lighting needs for your chicks.
Sometimes you have to move a hen even though she is sitting on a clutch of eggs. With careful preparation and care, you can often safely move your hen and her eggs.
When getting chickens, many people wonder whether it’s possible to raise chickens indoors. While it is possible to raise chickens indoors at least during chickhood, keeping chickens inside as adults …
Believe it or not, this is one of the most common questions that comes up when thinking about raising poultry. Is it safe to raise these two birds together? Will …
If you keep chickens, you know how satisfying it can be to have a breakfast of fresh eggs first thing in the morning. Of course, it can be a bit …