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21 Reasons Why Chickens Stop Laying Eggs & How You Can Help

There are many reasons why a hen’s laying productivity will slow down or even stop. They have to do with her life cycle, overall health, community, and environment. Fortunately, for every reason, there is either a simple fix or things you can try to help get things back to normal.

Read More about 21 Reasons Why Chickens Stop Laying Eggs & How You Can Help

How To Bathe A Chicken for Mites, Lice and Other Pests

If you own chickens for poultry or to have fresh eggs at home, the last thing you want is a case of mites, lice, or other pests taking over your coop. If you think that there is a pest problem in your coop, you need to act immediately to treat the pests and prevent them from returning.

Read More about How To Bathe A Chicken for Mites, Lice and Other Pests