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Why Are My Baby Peacocks Chirping Loudly?

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Raising baby peacocks, or peachicks, can be an adventure and a rewarding experience. The challenging part can be figuring out exactly what they need when they chirp loudly.

When baby peacocks chirp loudly, it means that they need help in some way.

Peachicks can experience a range of emotions depending on what is happening, and they will chirp loudly when they need attention. In some instances, baby peachicks need help as soon as possible.

Peachicks, peacock chicks, in grass

The trick to raising baby peacocks is not trying to decipher their chirping sounds but, instead, knowing what questions to ask yourself when responding to their call.

The more you know about what baby peacocks need to be comfortable and happy, the better prepared you will be when they begin chirping loudly.

7 Reasons Why Your Baby Peacocks Are Chirping Loudly

For the most part, baby peacocks are usually chirping for at least one of the following seven reasons. 

They Are Hungry

Baby peacocks will chirp rather loudly whenever they are hungry and there is no food for them to eat.

Baby peacocks rely on either their parent to show them how to find food or on you to provide food for them.

Give your baby peacocks food each day, and if it happens to run out, the peachicks will let you know as soon as they realize it. Peachicks grow so quickly that they need food almost constantly to keep up with their growth.

Upon hearing your baby peacocks chirping, your first thought should be whether or not they could have run out of food. Most often, the reason for their chatter is a lack of food.

They Are Thirsty

Peacock and his chickens drinking water in a river

Baby peacocks may chirp loudly because they are out of water and have gotten thirsty. Baby peacocks need a constant supply of fresh, clean water.

When baby peacocks get thirsty and are unable to find an adequate water supply, their instinct is to begin chirping loudly to get help.

If there is plenty of food available for your baby peacocks, check their water supply to make sure they have not run out of water.

They Are Cold

Baby peacocks become uncomfortable when they get very cold, and they will begin chirping loudly.

Baby peacocks can get cold very easily, so if they appear to have plenty of food and water, consider the possibility that they are too cold.

If you are raising the peachicks yourself, without the help of the mother, they should be kept in a brooder box or container for at least the first eight weeks of their life.

During the first week of their life, they need the temperature to be 95°F. As the weeks progress, you can decrease the temperature of their brooder container by about 5 degrees each week.

They Are Hot

Although baby peacocks need an environment with a warm temperature, they can get too hot, which can also cause them to begin chirping loudly.

If your baby peacocks are not hungry, thirsty, or cold, then perhaps they are simply too warm.

If your brooder container is too small, the peachicks may not be able to move out from under the direct heat. It is imperative that baby peacocks can move in and out of the heat source.

If a peachick gets too hot, it can suffer from heat stroke or dehydration, but first, it will likely begin chirping loudly for help. 

You can set up the heat lamp or brooder plate on one side of the brooder in order for the baby peacocks to move in and out of the heat as needed.

They Are Happy

Baby peacock

Baby peacocks can also chirp loudly when they are very happy and excited about something. If they can hear other peachicks chirping, they may simply be chirping in response.

Baby peacocks will also appear excited and begin chirping when they see their mother. If your baby peacocks are being raised by their mother, they are likely chirping to their mother in excitement and anticipation of a meal.

They Are Scared

Baby peacocks also tend to chirp loudly whenever they are scared or frightened by something.

If you are raising peachicks in a small coop or brooder, there may be a predator or something that appears to be a predator lurking about that is scaring the baby peacocks.

If the mother peafowl is raising the peachicks, you will also notice that they tend to chirp when they get separated from their mother.

Sometimes, the mother moves a little too quickly, and the baby peacocks will get left behind.

The baby peachicks understandably get frightened and begin chirping loudly. These chirps should alert the mother and allow her to return to her offspring before a predator finds them.

They Are Sick

Baby peacock in the brown plakka forest

When baby peacocks chirp loudly, they are either hungry, thirsty, cold, hot, or scared. Sometimes, it can mean that they are sick.

Baby peacocks will usually begin chirping loudly at the first signs of physical discomfort. If none of the other situations appear to be the cause of the chirping, consider that your peachicks may be ill.

Check them out for signs of illness or issues, especially regarding their hind ends.

Baby peacocks may be suffering from pasty butt, which means that dried excrement is stuck on their butts and is preventing them from being able to relieve themselves.

Ways to Keep Baby Peacocks From Chirping Loudly

The best way to prevent peacocks from chirping loudly is to ensure they have everything they need. Sometimes, even that will not stop their loud chirping entirely, but it will lessen exponentially.

Make Sure They Have Plenty of Food and Water

Baby peacocks need constant access to food and fresh water. The best way to make sure they never run out is to check their supply at least once a day, if not twice.

Peachicks eat a lot of food and drink a lot of water each day, even more than you may have anticipated. They should not be chirping nearly as much if they always have plenty of food to eat and water to drink.

Make Sure They Have a Warm, but Not Too Warm, Environment

a very beautiful peacock

Baby peacocks need a warm environment, but they also need to be able to get out from under their heat source if they get too hot.

The best plan is to put their heat source on one end of the brooder container so they can move to the other side if they get too warm.

Make Sure They Are Safe and Secure

Raising baby peacocks without their mother means you have to be their protector. The brooder setup must be safe from predators, even ones that live in your own house, like cats or dogs.

A curious pet might not intend to harm the peachicks, but they will scare them nonetheless, and frightened peachicks will most definitely begin chirping very loudly.

Final Thoughts

Baby peacocks are fun to raise and are not that different from baby chickens; however, sometimes, it can seem like their chirps are extremely loud.

The good news is, with a bit of proactiveness, you can dramatically lessen the amount of chirping you hear from your baby peacocks. 

Now you know what to look for when you hear them chirping loudly and how to calm them down.


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