// Ducks are not only one of the most lovely species of waterfowl, they are also among the most beautiful birds in existence.
One of many reasons ducks are so picturesque is their plumage.
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// Crested Ducks come in many colors, including white. The white variants are typified by their white plumage and orange legs and bills.
| White Crested Duck
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// Although they are called American Pekins, these ducks were brought into the United States in the 19th century from China. American Pekins are one of the larger breeds of domestic duck, and you can find them worldwide.
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| American Pekin
// American Pekins are the Mallard breed regularly used when procreating a Mulard. A Mulard bred from a Pekin Duck and Muscovy Drake is called Moulard or Mulard.
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| Mulard
// The German Pekin has white plumage with a slight yellow tint. They are primarily bred for their meat. However, their egg yield is pretty high too. For this reason, they are terrific dual-purpose ducks.
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| German Pekin