
Raising Ducks

Ultimate Guide to

"For many people, ducks are not the first poultry species they keep. Often backyard chicken farmers add a few ducks to their flock, assuming raising them is relatively similar."

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"Ducks are no easier or more difficult to raise than chickens, but they behave very differently and have vastly different requirements."

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"Your flock of ducks will need a permanent home outdoors where they can sleep safely overnight. A duck coop is very different from a chicken coop."

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Housing Ducklings and Ducks

"Secure the coop from predators. Raccoons, Foxes, Dogs, Skunks, Coyotes, and Weasels are the most common threats."

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Keep Your Ducks Safe at Night

"Giving them the unmedicated kind is important because ducklings consume more on a daily basis than chicks, so they will end up over-dosing on medication."

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What to Feed Ducklings?

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