5 Reasons Your Ducks Are Laying Soft Eggs

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Brown Rice

Why Do Ducks Lay Soft Eggs?

Ducks usually lay soft eggs due to a lack of calcium or vitamin D in their diets. Every duck owner wants to ensure their birds are healthy and well-cared for.

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Spotting Soft Eggs

A soft egg, however, feels like a water balloon. The shell will move as you press it. As a result, it doesn’t offer the same structure or protection that eggs need.

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Lack of Calcium

Calcium is a vital component for strong, healthy eggs. Ducks need plenty of calcium because they lay eggs regularly. If your ducks don’t have enough calcium, their eggs will start to soften.

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Brown Rice

Lack of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another essential building block for healthy duck eggs. Get your ducks outside and in the sun as much as possible to increase their natural vitamin D levels.

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Soft eggs can also be the result of stress. Different factors can affect your ducks’ eggs, such as not having enough room or the presence of other animals.

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