Beautiful Lavender  Chicken Breeds



Chicken breeds come in different colors: black, buff, white, yellow, brown, and even lavender. While colors like black, white, and buff are common, lavender chicken breeds are rare.

The lavender color on chicken plumage is actually perceived as grey. It is formed when a chicken has the recessive gene called the lav gene.

LAVENDER ORPINGTON - they are quite similar to other Orpingtons, especially the buff types. Lavender Orpingtons could lay as many as 340 eggs per year.

LAVENDER PEKIN BANTAM - They are covered in feathers, they have feathers all over, including their legs and feet. They lay just about 50-100 small eggs per year.

LAVENDER AMERAUCANA - They  are quite savvy and watchful. They lay eggs moderately, and you can get as many as 170-200 blue eggs from them in a year.

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