Can Peacocks Eat 


An apple is definitely the favorite fruit for many people. Animals such as birds also love apples. What if you have peacocks and want to feed your peacocks some apples? 


Peacocks can eat apples. Apples are super nutritious for the birds, just like they are for you. There are many benefits to peacocks eating apples.


As a delicious treat, you can use an apple to train and reward your peacocks so that they behave as you want, such as returning home to roost in the evening. 


Should you always feed apples to peacocks? Well, no. Feeding your peacocks with too many apples can lead to a deficiency of protein in the birds. 


Do Not Feed Your Peacocks Apple Seeds as they contain some traces of phytotoxins that can harm animals. Remove the seeds from the apples before you give the fruit to your peacocks.
