Are Broody Hens Noisy?

One of the most difficult things do deal with is a broody hen, which is hen getting ready to nest


A hen that’s currently trying to make eggs hatch is a hen that has that priority on her mind. Right now, her biggest goal is to be a mother to her soon-to-be-hatched chicks.


If you set foot on a farm that has chickens, you already might have an answer for this one. Anyone who’s heard roosters crowing will tell you that all chickens make noise from time to time.


Are All Chickens Noisy?

They can be, but the bigger issue with broody hens rarely is the noise. Rather, it’s the terrible attitude they tend to have and how difficult they can be to raise.


Are Broody Hens Noisier Than Typical Chickens?

Some chicken breeds are definitely quieter than others. If you’re concerned about noise levels, make a point of buying breeds that are known for their quiet demeanors.


What Breeds Are The Quietest?

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